Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Later #60 a movie: 'Shame'

Saw the movie, 'Shame,' depicting the lifestyles of brother and sister living in Manhattan in a seedy, bleak, emotionless world. They appear to come from a past that defines a relationship which is both intimate and tumultuous although on either count, revealing a maligned upbringing. For the person with extreme needs, NY is the place where every carnal, amoral pleasure is on offer and these are served up just as they might be experienced, with few atmospheric effects. This is likely to be the only world able to support personalities like Brandon and Cassie, although maybe even that is uncertain.

There are long periods of silence, porn and nudity that could shock you with its aggression. Alternatively you may find this tame. Likewise you may not be surprised by the lifestyles of insiders living on the make. Make what you will of this surprising depiction of life in the big city.
This movie does brilliantly presenting plot and sub plot without the commentary often given to interpret what you see: challengingly, the audience needs to work out most of the meaning and that means another long post-movie debriefing session with your movie watching buddy. 8/10.

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